Youth Program to Prevent Opioid Substance Misuse
Sounds of Sarah Inc. is certified through Overdose Lifeline Inc. to offer the "This is Not About Drugs" (TINAD) program that addresses youth substance abuse with an emphasis on prescription opioids and the opioid epidemic. The evidence-based programs is taught in a classroom setting or small group.

More About.....
This Is Not About Drugs
​For students grades 6–12
Takes place in a classroom, small group setting
Aligns with most common health curriculums
Fits school time constraints
Incorporates NIDA principles and risk/protective factors
Companion Parent, Educator Programming
Student Take Away....
The risks of prescription pain drug misuse
How misuse can lead to addiction, heroin use, overdose, and death
How to recognize opioid overdose symptoms
Basics of the opioid reversal drug Naloxone
The importance of calling 911 to get help for a person in need
Understand the disease of addiction and opioid prevention
How addiction impacts the individual and their loved ones
Alternatives to using substances in dealing with life’s stresses
Ways to ask for help and find available resources